Moriarti arms is just one of those gun companies that brings a little extra to the table when it comes to quality. That’s why I was expecting nothing less than pure precision when I bought my 9mm pistol kit with SBA 3 brace. I simply love 9mm ARs. They are light, easy to handle, and more accurate than most platforms that shoot with it.
My build works perfectly as intended. It is the 10.5” enhanced sport series. It comes with a hybrid bcg and is able to feed from glock and colt magazines. I was impressed to find that out and actually have proof of it after testing it out.
The build is lightweight and there is really no getting past the SBA Brace, its just the best option for those of us who don’t want to get that title II tax stamp. The linear compensator is different but it works in such a way that is unique to what I have used before. In all it is a delight to shoot, and once I am done with the build I plan on taking it for a 3 gun shoot.