Black Rifle Depot is an online gun store featuring many brands of firearms we love. Its like a superstore for AR-15 parts and builds from all of our favorite manufacturers. However, Black Rifle Depot also makes their own custom AR builds that they sell to customers. I want to talk about the AR pistol kit that I got from Black Rifle Depot for a very reasonable price.
The shipping first off was very good, and it shipped very fast to me after the purchase. For 500 bucks II was very surprised by the quality of the parts I received. Normally I am a budget builder, and I have used some chinesium parts in my guns before, but the parts in this Blac Rifle Depot build are very quality and US made. One thing I wanted to point out was the fact that the pistol kit had come with a SBA brace. And while I have never really shot AR pistols, after using it, I have to say it ain’t too bad. It’s definitely still a little small for me, but I didn’t notice my performance suffer too much. Using the brace “as intended” was also a good bit of fun for me.
In all, it is a pretty basic build although it features some really cool parts like the handguard and the brace which help give that cool factor early on. Customization is pretty easy, as the handguard is an MLok handguard. I don’t see the point in tricking out something so small, so I will keep this build relatively plain with some flip sights from magpul. Maybe I will add a BAD on it later in life. I recommend this Black Rifle pistol kit for those looking for a basic build with quality parts.
I orderd a lower parts kit Sunday November 29th, the money way taken from my account but I never received any sort of confirmation. Please contact me.